Tag Archives: abstinence only sexual education

“Where does the penis go into the vagina” and Other Interesting Search Terms

15 Jul

This is a screen shot of the search terms people have used to find my blog.


It is also proof that comprehensive sexual education is needed in ALL schools. Evidently whoever searched for “where does the penis go into the vagina” has not been taught sexual health. Young people who do not receive proper education in schools go looking on the Internet for information, and instead of getting reliable sources they get opinionated blogs like mine or more likely, porn.

Here are some quick facts on comprehensive sexual education (from here):

  • Teens who received comprehensive sex education were 50 percent less likely to experience pregnancy than those who received abstinence-only education.
  • No abstinence-only program has yet been proven through rigorous evaluation to help youth delay sex for a significant period of time, help youth decrease their number of sex partners, or reduce STI or pregnancy rates among teens.
  • The rate of STIs is high among young people in the United States. Young people ages 15-24 contract almost half the nation’s 19 million new STIs every year; and the CDC estimates that one in four young women ages 15-19 has an STI

So, my dear readers – tell me your thoughts on teaching sex in schools (comprehensive or abstinence-only). Oh, and check out some of the links below for some reliable information, especially if you found me through one of those search terms.


